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Game pauses when it loses focus, so I can't leave it running in the background like most idle games

You are right, i will change that in the next build ;)

Loved, keep going bro, cant wait to see the updates

Thanks for your feedback ! You can follow me to see update ;)

does not load, displays:

  Unable to parse Build/! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.

Hi ! Thanks for letting me know, what browser are you using ? I will check what I can do as soon as I can !

i am using itch desktop

Okey should be resolved ! Tell me if you can play it now :)


Unable to parse Build/! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header "Content-Encoding: br" present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.

i have this happening with a few games so at this point i think it's a me problem, but all searches tell me it's a development issue and there doesn't seem to be any kind of support/codec packs or anything giving me the slightest clue what i can do...

Hmm thats weird, it should'nt be ".br" after the reupload 🤔 I will investigate further

Dont know what happen but the new version I sended yesterday didnt apply, its a server problem with the compression format "brotil" so I changed it to Gzip and should work


in the pop up upgrade, show the actual level  of the upgrade

ex : Click power (7) 


Thanks for the idea ! I will look into something to get more data info ! That is the conceptual version for now :)

(1 edit)

Save please, and also a stat check

Love the idea, the looks are great, concept awesome.

Hi, thanks for your comment !

Save system is planned for the next update !

I just wanted to ask, what do you mean by stat check ? Like a panel that show actual damage and other datas ?

(2 edits) (+1)

Yep, like check the percentages and numbers, just because its cool to see big numbers.

If it isn't a lot of work of course, the save system is way more important

ps. The sound desing and music are great too.


I see the idea, it's more long than difficult to make to be honest, I will make an interface update with the save system this week !

(1 edit)

Thx for the reference and for the save system

Really looking foward to see what kind of cookie clicker hyperborean thing your game can evolve to

aswell, upgrades that get maxxed need to be re-bought when u re-enter, like the autocast speed ou the portal respawn


Thank you for your feedback, I may have forget something indeed I will fix that as soon as possible ! I hope you will like my massive projectile idle game concept in the futur, not sure where this is going but I will listen to all feedbacks !


Actully its a visual bug, I confirm that they are bought but something weird happen visualy

good work, keep going :)


Thank you for your comment !